Members of the Institute shall consist of the serving officers of the Army, Navy & Air Force. Retired officers of all the three services may be also admitted at the discretion of the Executive Committee.
Categories of Membership
Membership shall comprise of the following categories :-
- Regular Members
- Temporary Members
- Absentee Members
- Casual Members
- Life Members
- Honorary Members
Associates : In addition to the above, Associates may be permitted in the Institute after specific sanction of the Patron.
Regular Membership (R-Membership No)
The following categories of personnel are eligible to become regular members :-
- It is obligatory for all serving Army officers including MNS Officers posted at Dehradun Cantt & under jurisdiction of Station Headquarter Cell to be the regular members of the Institute through their respective Officers Messes. Members under this category shall have the right to vote, move resolutions and attend General Body Meeting.
- All serving Navy and Air Force officers on active list & posted at Dehradun or satellite Stations of Dehradun area are also eligible to become members through their respective officers messes under this category, however they do not have any voting rights or the right to attend General Body Meeting.
- Retired officers who are member under this category shall continue with the existing status. Total membership under this category will be restricted as decided by the Patron from time to time. Presently this is restricted to 200 retired officers .
- Membership under this category can also be granted at the discretion of the Patron.
Temporary Membership
Following categories of personnel are eligible under this category :-
- Retired Officers (Pensioner) (T-.P- Membership No). Membership under this category is open to retired officers of the Army / Navy / AF who have completed 20 years pensionable service ie are in possession of PPO and are permanent resident of Dehradun. In case they are not permanent resident of Dehradun, they may be granted temporary membership provided they are employed at Dehradun. This membership shall be renewed on yearly basis. If not renewed within three months of expiry or officer moved out of Dehradun, the membership shall stand terminated.
- Retired Officers (Non Pensioners) (T-NP Membership No). All Officers of Defence Services (Army/Navy/AF only) like Short Service / Emergency Commissioned/Released on Compassionate or medical grounds / invalided out of service due to disability are eligible to become members provided their release/retirement has not been on disciplinary grounds however they must be permanent resident of Dehradun.
- Widow of Officer New Temporary membership to widow of an officer may be granted provided she is permanent resident of Dehradun. All terms & conditions shall apply as per her husband's status ie pensioner/Non pensioner. In case of demise of a member, the widow may be granted temporary membership at the old rates which were in vogue at the time of her husband's registration.
- Class One Civilian Officers Those paid out of Defence Estimates and posted at Dehradun. Their membership shall be terminated on being posted out / retirement / relinquishing the appointment.
- Outstation Serving Officers They are eligible to become Temporary Members of DSOM&I provided they are permanent residents of Dehradun. Temporary membership of DSOM&I can also be granted to non-resident outstation serving officers for one year at a time by paying yearly subscription in advance and an enhanced security deposit of ₹ 10,000/- instead of ₹ 5000/- (Ammended vide MCM dt 16 Sep 2015).
- Officers on Study Leave & Officer's Family Staying in FAF They are permitted to become Temporary Members. Membership to such Officer is valid for a maximum period of 2 years/duration of study leave/Stay in FAF whichever is more.
- Class I Officer's of GREF / BRTF / DGBR / COAST GUARD They are also eligible to become Temporary Members but membership under this category should not exceed 2 % of Regular Members strength. Officers under this category should be serving and posted at Dehradun or permanent resident of Dehradun. (Ammended vide MCM dt 16 Sep 2015).
- Temporary Members under this Rule shall not have voting rights or the right to attend General Body Meeting.
Membership under the above categories can also granted at the discretion of the Patron.
Absentee Membership
This is only applicable for the members posted/settled in the station and who have to proceed out of station for duration more than 15 days(in a month),they may become Absentee Members on their own request for the duration of absence. Such members will have to submit a written application mentioning the reason and the duration of absence. This application should reach Secretary by 25th of the month, prior to their moving out of station. These members shall pay only 75% of the subscription. Such member & their dependents cannot use facilities of the institute during the absence period. The maximum period of absentee membership will not exceed three months in a calender year. Absentee member under this rule shall have no voting rights or the right to attend General Body Meeting.
Casual Membership
Service officers visiting Dehradun station and wishing to make use of the facilities in DSOM&I may be given casual membership upto seven days at a time under following terms and conditions :-
- Must be a serving Defence officer.
- Subscription for such members will be equal to 50% of the monthly subscription of a regular member, which is payable in advance.
- Casual members are not permitted to sign credit chits and they will make all payments by cash / temporary smart card.
- Entertainment of personal guests by casual members is not permitted.
- Casual members will not be permitted to withdraw books from library.
- Casual members will not be permitted to use the card room.
- This membership is not valid for special occasions / functions being held at DSOM&I.
- Members under this rule shall not have any voting rights or the right to attend General Body meeting.
- Membership under this category can also be granted at the discretion of Patron.
Life Membership (L-Membership No)
- Any regular member may opt to become a Life Member by paying a one time charge of Rs 25,000/- subject to a member having been a continuous member of the Institute for a minimum period of 10 yrs.
- The members of the Executive Committee, during the period of their tenure may apply for becoming Life Members by paying one time charge of Rs 10,000/-.
- Membership under this category can also be granted at the discretion of the Patron.
Honorary Membership (H-Membership No)
Honorary membership of the Institute may be extended to the under mentioned eminent service officers and civil dignitaries in the station with a view to associating other Formation and Establishments with the activities of the Institute. These members shall not be charged subscription fee and their membership is valid only for their tenure in stn:-
- Commandant, Indian Military Academy
- General Officer Commanding local formation
- Ex Commanders & General Officer of HQ UK Sub Area (Auth : HQ UKSAletter no 120248/DSOM&I/A2 dated 01 Oct 2014)
- Governor and Chief Minister of Uttarakhand
- Chief Secretary, Dehradun
- DGP, Uttarakhand
- Principal Chief Conservator of Forests (PCCF) (Amended vide MCM dt 09 Jan 2015)
- Headmaster, The Doon School
- CMD, ONGC, Dehradun
- Director, FRI, Dehradun
- To any Serving/retired officer as deemed fit by the President/Patron
Membership under this category can also be granted at the diseretion of the Patron.
Members under this category shall not have voting rights or the right to attend General Body Meeting.
(Auth - Amended by Executive Committee on 01 Oct 2016 vide HQ UK Sub Area letter No DSOM&I/A2 dt 31 Oct 2016)
Associates (A-Number)
Class I officers and officers of equivalent status from public sector undertakings who can be of assistance to the Headquarters Uttarakhand Sub Area may be accepted as Associates on the recommendations of the Executive Committee, if approved by the Patron. An Associate will pay Entry Fee, Security Deposit & a monthly subscription minimum four times of normal membership rates. The total number of the Associates shall never exceed 2% of the Regular Member's strength. These members shall not have any voting rights or the right to attend General Body Meeting and they shall retain membership as long as they hold office and are posted in Dehradun or if residing permanently in Dehradun post retirement.
(Auth - Amended by Executive Committee on 01 Oct 2016 vide HQ UK Sub Area letter No DSOM&I/A2 dt 31 Oct 2016)
Membership under this category can also be granted at the diserction of the Patron.
Senior Citizen Status
Any member of the Institute on attaining the age of 75 years is granted the status of Senior Citizen. The monthly subscription of the Institute is completely waived in such cases. Senior Citizen Status is not granted automatically nor it is granted on retrospective effect. Members eligible for this are required to send a letter requesting to grant this status well in advance provided they have been a member of the Institute for a minimum period of 20 yrs.
(Amended vide MCM dt 09 Jan 2015)
Requirement of Document and Fee for Grant of DSOM&I Membership
- Residential Proof (Permanent Resident of Dehradun) - Electricity Bill/ Aadhar Card/ Passport (Photocopy).
Photocopies of the following (in case of Veteran) -
- Retired officers Identity Card
- Ex-serviceman Card Issued by DSS & A Board
Photographs (Passport Size)
- Self (for serving officers in uniform) - 3 copies
- Dependents (Wife, Unmarried Daughter and son upto 25 yrs of age) - 2 copies each
- Letter from parent unit (in case of serving officers except those retaining FAF Accn).
- Letter from Stn HQ Cell Dehradun (in case of officers retaining FAF Accn).
Institute Fee & Security Deposit
- Entry Fee (Non Refundable) - ₹ 5,000/-
- Security Deposit (Refundable) - ₹ 5,000/-
Serving Officers - In station
- Entry Fee (Non Refundable) - ₹ 5,000/-
- Security Deposit (Refundable) - ₹ 5,000/-
- Advance yearly subscription - ₹ 4,800/-
Serving Officers - Out station
- Entry Fee (Non Refundable) - ₹ 5,000/-
- Security Deposit (Refundable) - ₹ 10,000/-
- Advance yearly subscription - ₹ 4,800/-
FAFA Offers
- Entry Fee (Non Refundable) - ₹ 1,500/-
- Security Deposit (Refundable) - ₹ 5,000/-