Drinking and Smoking by Dependent Children

Dependent children of the members are not permitted to smoke or drink (Hard drinks) within the premises of the Institute and they are not permitted to sign credit vouchers for the hard drink. In case they are found drinking hard drinks or smoking within the premises their dependent membership will be terminated.


All accounting and financial transactions shall be in conformity with the provisions contained in the Standard Operating Procedure of the Institute and instructions issued by the HQ Uttarakhand Sub Area from time to time.

Institute Property

The ownership of all Institute property is that of Headquarters Uttarakhand Sub Area through the Executive/Managing Committee. The members shall be responsible for the upkeep, maintenance & care as may be necessary to preserve the same.
Purchase of all major items of property and any additions/alterations to the premises shall be carried out only after approval of the President of the Institute through the Executive Committee.

Institute Staff

To assist the Executive Committee and to ensure better functioning of the Institute, staff as deemed necessary shall be employed on approval of the Managing Committee. The maximum age of Clerical staff shall be 65 years and non clerical staff be 60 years.

Dress and General Conduct

Members and their families are expected to follow existing norms, dress code and rules of conduct as applicable in any Officer's Mess/Institute of the Indian Army.
Members shall dress as per current conventions observed in the armed forces. Members are also advised to observe the dress specified, if any, for centrally organized functions. Members dressed in untidy dress, Kurta Pajama, Dhoti, Sports kit,Sports Shoes, Sandals & Chappals shall not be permitted entry to the Institute. Members not following the Dress Code may lose their membership.
Members of AEPTAmay utilize facility of DSOM&I Lawns only in their specified dress upto 7 PM only.
Ladies must be dressed appropriately as per current conventions followed in Officers' Meles.

Treatment Towards Staff

Members shall not rebuke any staff members. Complaints, if any, shall be lodged with the Secretary and followed up in writing, if necessary.
Tipping the staff is strictly prohibited.

Families / Dependent Parents

All the facilities of the Institute to which a member is entitled shall also be available to the member's wife, dependent children & dependent parents except in the Card Room and AEPTA. For the purpose of this Rule dependent children means sons below 25 years of age and unmarried daughters. This includes legally divorced daughters also if they are dependent on officer.
Members shall ensure that their family members follow all laid down rules/norms of the Institute.

For the purpose of this Rule, the term Dependent includes :-

  1. Son, below 25 years, not earning more than 9000/-per month. (Subject to revision, from time to time by Govt of India, for all Central Govt Employees)
  2. Unmarried Daughter, not earning more than 9000/-, per month. (Subject to revision, from time to time by Govt of India, for all Central Govt Employees).
  3. Legally Divorced Daughters, not earning more than 9000/-, per month. (Subject to revision, from time to time by Govt of India, for all Central Govt Employees).
  4. Mother, Father or Both Parents, not earning a combined salary of more than 9000/- (Subject to revision, from time to time by Govt of India, for all Central Govt Employees).
  5. Specially Abled Children, married or un-married.

For the purpose of this Rule, the following category of blood relatives fall under ‘Non-Dependent’ of Member:-

  1. Son, above 25 years.
  2. Son, below 25 year & earning more than 9000/-, (Subject to revision, from time to time by Govt of India. For all Central Govt employees.)
  3. Unmarried Daughter, earning more than 9000/-, (Subject to revision, from time to time by Govt of India. For all Central Govt employees.)
  4. Married Daughter.
  5. Mother, Father or Parents/having combined earning of more than 9000/- (Subject to revision from time to time by Govt of India, for all Central Govt Employees).(Auth :- DSOM&I Minute Sheet NO DSOM&I dt 03 Jul 23)


Members may entertain guests at the Institute on any day except those specified in the monthly Programme and the days when Institute is declared closed. The following rules shall apply regarding guests :-

  1. Dependent children are not permitted to bring their guests to the Institute. Guests can only be entertained by a Members or his/her dependent spouse.
  2. Guests must follow the laid down rules/norms of the Institute, particularly in term of dress and conduct.
  3. On normal days, members shall sign in their guests in the Guest Register. For centrally organized functions, members shall intimate in advance the details of guests to the Secretary. Special guest cards shall be issued and carried by the guests. On such occasions, restrictions in number of guests and special guests charges shall be intimated separately.
  4. Members can entertain not more than 08 guests at any one time. Member will be charged @₹250/- per guest for all guests in case the member desire to entertain more than 08 guests. (Auth MCM dt 24 June 2019).
  5. Members can entertain their guests in DSOM&I not more than 50% of the working days in a month. No Guests are permitted in Utkarsh Health Centre due to space constraints. In card room a member can entertain a guest once in seven days if space permits with an additional card room charge of 50/- per visit (This is in addtion to DSOM&I Guest Charges)


Members shall strictly adhere to the laid down timings of the Institute and its facilities. Timings shall be displayed on the Notice Board for the information of all members as also intimated from time to time in the Institute programmes.

Consumption of Liquor

Members are requested to restrict their consumption of liquor within those limits that are acceptable to any Service Institution and its members. Misbehavior by members may call for termination of membership. The Wine Limit for all members shall be ₹ 4,500.00 per month.
Under no circumstances shall full bottles of any liquor, except beer, be issued to any member. Beer bottles issued to members shall be for consumption within the Institute only. Drinks shall not be taken out of the Institute. No out side liquor will be brought by members to Institute.


No items of the Institute, including periodicals, shall be removed from the premises without the permission of the Secretary/Vice President.
Members shall pay the full value at current rates for any Institute property lost, damaged or broken by them, their guests and their families. In case of willful damage, membership of the individuals may be terminated.
The Institute shall not be responsible for the loss/damage of any article, property of the members, their families and guests.

Carriage of Weapons

Weapons are not permitted within the Institute premises.


Pets are not permitted in the Institute and AEPTAarea.


Gambling is not permitted in the Institute except for stakes specified in the Card/Tambola rules, which will be notified in advance. These stakes shall be prominently displayed in the Card Room.

Tenure of the Secretary

Ordinarily the tenure of the Secretary shall be of one year only, which may be extended by another year on approval of the Executive Committee. He shall remain on probation for three months extendable to six months.. Under no circumstances the Secretary be employed beyond the age of 65 years. The tenure may be extended beyond two years only on approval of the Executive Committee.
Auth : HQ UK Sub Area Letter No 120248/DSOM&I A2 dated 04-Mar-2022