Subscription, Deposits and Billing
Please refer to Appendix B.
All subscriptions and charges are subject to periodical review.
Payment to Bills
All bills will be cleared on monthly basis.
Bills in respect of serving officers will be presented through their respective Messes for clearance of the same within 10 days of presentation. Messes shall clear the bills in bulk immediately and may affect recovery from individual officers thereafter.
Members who are not sponsored through an Officers' Mess will be responsible for obtaining and clearing their bills by the 20th of succeeding month.
List of members who have not cleared their bills on the due date shall be prominently displayed on the Institute Notice Board. The Executive Committee may cancel membership of defaulter members.
Units will ensure that an officer who is posted out, obtains a clearance certificate from the Institute prior to his departure.
Penalty Clause
Re-Entry Fee : If any member defaults and his membership has been terminated under Rule 12 Para 37 (e), he can be admitted again on payment of twice the amount of normal entry fee as re-entry fee in addition to normal security deposit This facility can be availed by a member once only.
Late Fee A min of ₹ 50/- will be charged as late fee, if bills are not paid by 20th of the succeeding month till end of the month. Thereafter penalty of ₹ 10/- per day will be charged
Financial Control
The financial control of the Institute shall vest with the President. He may, at his discretion, delegate a portion of his powers to the Vice Presidents ie Operations/Policy and the Secretary, or review the delegated powers. The Financial Powers are as under :-
The financial limits of the Secretary are laid down as under :-
Full powers on recurring expenditure of routine nature required to be incurred for the maintenance / functioning of the Institute. These are as under :-
- Rent, Water and Electricity bills from MES.
- Approved payments/Wages to Institute Staff.
- Approved Newspapers/Periodicals/Dish TV bills.
- Purchase of Movie Prints (DVD's), Playing Cards, Tambola Tickets & Printing of Barchits & Cash Coupons.
- Postage/Courier charges for monthly bills & programme.
- Payment of Telephone bills.
- Full powers on expenditure required to be incurred for purchase of foodstuff, wines, soft drinks and tobacco as required from time to time while ensuring that Institute funds are not blocked on dead stock.
Expenditure required to be incurred for the purchase of following, subject to maximum of ₹ 3,000/- per transaction and up to the limit of ₹ 15,000/- a month, and the same will be vetted/ approved by the Vice President (Operations) at the end of the month :-
- Cleaning Materials
- Garden implements and their repair
- Glassware
- Linen & Curtains washing/maint
- Table and Kitchenware
- Expenditure on other items like hiring of shamianas, crockery, cutlery, decorations, prizes for function, provision of musical equipments or any other miscellaneous expenditure required, will only be incurred with the prior approval of the Vice President / President
Guest Charges
Unless otherwise specified for special occasions :-
- Non Dependents - ₹ 50/- per visit
- Non Members (Serving officer) - No Charges
- Dependents of Non Members (Serving Officers) - ₹ 50/- per visit
- Non Members (Retired officer) - Not permitted
- Civilian Guests - ₹ 100/-per guest
Security Deposit Offrs Messes
- Sub Area Offrs Mess - ₹ 6,000.00
- MH Offrs Mess - ₹ 6,000.00
- MNS Offrs Mess - ₹ 5,000.00
- All other Messes - ₹ 5,000.00